DNS Tester Tool

by, Yevgeniy Goncharov, 07-Feb-2023
  • bld
  • dns
  • tool
  • bash

DNS Tester Tool it is a bash script which can test speed response for IP addresses from list and collect speed statistics.

DNS Tester Tool executes dig command for IP addresses from default.txt and collect and show speed response statistics in several columns:

  • IP address
  • Average response
  • Minimal time of response
  • Maximum time of response

DNS Tester Bash Tool

What is Default.txt

It is a text file with DNS resolvers IP addresses list. You can change this file and will add or remove any own DNS resolvers IP addresses, as default:

Custom DNS lists

You can create multiple DNS list files, as example in the list in script location catalog and then use as argument:

./test.sh lists/my.txt

Set test iterations

You can set custom iterations for testing (default: 3):

./test.sh lists/my.txt 2

Set custom resolver

test.sh has -r parameter - you can use custom resolver IP address for your tests (default:

./test.sh lists/my.txt 2 -r

Set custom target domain

As default script uses lab.sys-adm.in domain name, you can use everyone if you need with -d parameter:

./test.sh default.txt 2 -d google.com -r
